The contact begins with a light peeling and foot massage. Thus, the client is symbolically told to leave all his worries at the front door and feel the familiar eastern calmness.
The next stage of treatment is massage, which takes place on a heated surface to achieve the effect of desert heat.
Aromatic oil (argan oil mixed with essential oils) is used for the massage of the whole body, which gives the impression of warmth and freshness.
Moroccan massage is aimed at reducing tension and relaxation, as well as relieving muscle contractions. These extremely effective relaxation techniques are very pleasing to people whose lives are filled with stress, such as managers, bankers, businessmen and many others.
The specificity of this massage is primarily in the use of argan oil, which is produced in the traditional natural way, and for that reason has a beneficial effect on sensitive skin, healing eczema and psoriasis. It also gives perfect results in the fight against skin aging.
In 1998, UNESCO declared the Moroccan Argan Forest a Biosphere Reserve.